Republic of Colombia

Type of officeAddressContactE-mailInternet
Embassy1137 Budapest, Újpesti rakpart 1.2/6tel: 617-7041
Consular Department1137 Budapest, Újpesti rakpart 1.2/6 Office hours: Monday till Friday 9:00-13:00Tel: 361 617 7055
Residency1056 Budapest, Belgrád rakpart 26, félemelet 1/a

MonthDayNational holiday
July20.National Independence Day of Colombia

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ResidentNameRankPositionPresentation of CredentialsSpouse
 H. E. Mr. Ignacio Enrique RUIZ PEREAAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 18/10/2022Mrs. Maria Adela CORAL
 Mr. Julian Hipólito PINTO GALVISMinister-Counsellor  Mrs. Georgina Gabriela PINTO SZABÓ
 Mr. Freddy Alejandro IMBACHI MUÑOZSecond Secretary   
